
Goal and Objective


  1. Provide leadership in the priority areas of the university in line with the institutional and national goals for the improvement of the quality of life of the people towards global competitiveness through research.

  2. Develop research areas in terms of university curricular offerings, commodities and appropriate combination of basic, applied, prototype, and developmental aspects, considering the human and material resources of the institution.

  3. Propose policy, procedure, rules and/or other systems for consideration by the Office of University Research Development to the Board of Reagents for the effectiveness and efficiency of research program operations.


  1. To undertake research work and services that support the development thrusts and programs of the local, regional, and national government;

  2. To conduct research work along the research priority areas of the university and furnish  the LGUs and other agencies with the research outputs;

  3. To collaborate with other colleges and universities, government organizations, national government agencies, non-government organizations, people’s organization and other agencies in areas of research services;

  4. To present research outputs in local, national and international fora, university in-house reviews and to publish them in TSU Recognized Journals;

  5. To utilize research outputs for instruction, extension services, policy development and commercialization by the industries in order to enhance their productivity; and

  6. To conduct research capability building activities.

Function of OURD

The Office of University Research Development was restructured by virtue of Board Resolution No. 83 series of 2023. The primary function of the OURD is to generate, oversee, coordinate, consolidate, and operationalize the conduct of research activities along the priority areas of the University. The following are the specific functions of the Office:

  1. To set the research targets of the university.
  2. To conduct university-wide research colloquia;
  3. To provide opportunities and funding support to faculty researchers of the university in pursuing research projects that are relevant to the thrusts and needs of the university;
  4. To establish linkages between local, national, and international agencies, for the purpose of identifying relevant subjects or problems for research, pursue research endeavors on areas of common concern jointly with these agencies;
  5. To assist CRCs in the monitoring of research projects of the colleges and units of the university;
  6. To formulate and implement research policies and guidelines;
  7. To aid in the dissemination of research outputs through research publication, research presentations, workshops, roundtable discussions, and newsletters; and
  8. To plan and implement programs directed toward the continuing development of skills and competencies of research office personnel.

University Research Agenda

Tarlac State University Research Agenda for 2024-2026

Through the initiative of the Office of the University Research Development, of Tarlac State University (TSU), which is committed to upholding its general function with integrity. This function includes generating, overseeing, coordinating, consolidating, and operationalizing the conduct of research activities aligned with the priority areas of the University. The office function and University targets might be compromised with lapsed priority areas. With the consideration of international, national, regional, and local (current and future) needs, a new research agenda needs to be designed.

In the dynamic landscape of Higher Educational Institutions, taking into account the current realities, situations, trends, and emerging developments at global, national, regional, and sectoral levels, it is imperative that the research outputs produced by the University are responsive to these shifting landscapes. This adaptability is crucial for realizing a shared vision and contributing to establishing sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities. In this context, the Tarlac State University Research Agenda focuses on producing and translating high-value research that aligns with the University's Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. This will transform TSU from a teaching university into a research university - a foundation to become a globally recognized institution with translational impact, which will make a difference and benefit humanity.

Furthermore, the Research Agenda is vital in designing research activities for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students. A well-defined research agenda helps the University identify research priorities by providing a concrete framework for guided decision-making regarding future research activities and undertakings. Therefore, the TSU Research Agenda for the years 2024 to 2026 must anchor in the United Nations' seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals, the National Economic Development Authority’s AMBISYON 2040, the National Innovation Agenda and Strategy Document (NIASD) 2023–2032, the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023–2028, and the Central Luzon Regional Development Plan 2023–2028. Additionally, it aligns with the Department of Science and Technology Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA) 2022–2028, the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) 2023–2028, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines’ National Intellectual Property Strategy (NIPS) 2020–2025, the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development 1995–2025, and the Previous Tarlac State University Research Agenda for 2021–2023.


Click here for more information about the Research Agenda 2024 - 2026

Click here for more information about the Research Agenda 2021 - 2023

University Research Framework

Organizational Structure

Contact Details

RED Building, TSU-Villa Lucinda Extension Campus, Brgy. Binauganan, Tarlac City, Tarlac, 2300, Philippines

(045) 606-8190

[email protected]